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Proposed Curriculum Plan for 2024-25

Course offerings for the 2024-2025 academic year are subject to change.  
Instructor names appear in the quarter course is offered.  If no name is listed, then the course is not expected to be offered in 2024-2025.
Course Topics and Meeting Days and Times can be found in the Schedule of Classes.  Links to Course Descriptions and the Schedule of Classes can be found on the right navigation menu.  






FILM 10 Professional Topics in Film, Television, and Digital Media      
FILM 20A Introduction to Film Studies Staff   Horne
FILM 20B Introduction to Television Studies Staff    
FILM 20C Introduction to Digital Media   Ruiz  
FILM 20P Introduction to Production Technique and Theory     Gustafson
FILM 80A The Film Experience     Limbrick
FILM 80M Understanding Media Staff    
FILM 80S Special Topics in Film and Digital Media Staff Rizzo-Martinez
FILM 80T Technothrillers      
FILM 80V Video Games as Visual Culture   Staff  
FILM 80X Sex in the Cinema      
FILM 120 Introduction to Media Theory     Sack
FILM 130 Silent Cinema   Horne  
FILM 132A International Cinema to 1960 Staff    
FILM 132B International Cinema 1960 to Present     Kara
FILM 134A American Film, 1930-1960 Staff    
FILM 134B American Film, 1960 to Present   Staff  
FILM 136A Experimental Film and Video      
FILM 136B History of Television     Kim
FILM 136C Visual Culture and Technology: History of New Media      
FILM 136D Documentary Film and Video   Staff  
FILM 145 Social Media Documentary Theory and Production      
FILM 150 Screenwriting V   V
FILM 151 Film Directing   Vazquez  
FILM 152 Script Analysis      
FILM 160 Film Genres     Rizzo-Martinez
FILM 161B Documentary Animation      
FILM 162 Film Authors Staff Gustafson  
FILM 162F Female Filmmakers      
FILM 165A Film, Video and Gender Staff    
FILM 165B Race on Screen   Wang  
FILM 165C Lesbian, Gay, and Queer Film and Video      
FILM 165D Asian Americans and Media      
FILM 165E Chicana/o Cinema, Video Leaños    
FILM 165G Gender and Global Cinema      
FILM 168 National Cinema and Culture      
FILM 168A Arab and North African Cinemas      
FILM 168F Francophone African Cinema      
FILM 168M National Cinema and Culture: Morocco      
FILM 170A Fundamentals of Digital Media Production Sack    
FILM 170B Fundamentals of Film and Video Production Archer Erb
FILM 171A Sound Friz    
FILM 171C Special Topics Workshop: Found Footage      
FILM 171D Social Information Spaces      
FILM 171F Special Topics Workshop: Autobiographical Film      
FILM 171S Special Topics in Film and Digital Media Production   Glogovac-Smith Friz
FILM 172 Narrative Video Workshop Ayon Archer  
FILM 173 Narrative Digital Media Workshop      
FILM 174A Reasonable Doubts: Making an Exoneree Part A   Daniel  
FILM 174B Reasonable Doubts: Making an Exoneree Part B     Daniel
FILM 175 Documentary Video Workshop   Lusztig  
FILM 176 Experimental Video Workshop Vazquez    
FILM 177 Digital Media Workshop: Computer as Medium     Daniel
FILM 178A Personal Computers in Film and Video      
FILM 178B Advanced Personal Computers in Film and Video      
FILM 179A Special Topics in Animation   Erb Ruiz
FILM 179B Documentary Animation Workshop      
FILM 180 Writing about Film, Television, and Digital Media      
FILM 185D Sound and Image in Theory and Criticism      
FILM 185R The Film Remake      
FILM 185S Advanced Topics in Film Studies      
FILM 185X EyeCandy Seminar   Staff  
FILM 187 Advanced Topics in Television Studies      
FILM 189 Advanced Topics in Digital and Electronic Media Studies     Shanken
FILM 194A Film Theory Seminar   Horne  
FILM 194B Electronic Media Theory Seminar      
FILM 194C New Media Seminar: Topic TBA     Shanken
FILM 194D Film History Seminar: Topic TBA      
FILM 194E International Cinemas      
FILM 194F Film and the Other Arts      
FILM 194G New(s) Media      
FILM 194H Ethics and Documentary Filmmaking      
FILM 194S Special Topics Seminar Rizzo-Martinez   Leaños
FILM 196A Senior Project in Narrative Production   Archer Archer
FILM 196B Senior Project in Screenwriting   V  
FILM 196C Senior Documentary Workshop     Ayon
FILM 197 Senior Digital Media Workshop      
FILM 200A Introduction to Graduate Study     Horne
FILM 200B Theory and Praxis of Film and Digital Media 1   Limbrick  
FILM 200C Theory and Praxis of Film and Digital Media 2 Daniel    
FILM 202 Pedagogy in Film and Digital Media Staff    
FILM 203 Professional Development in Film and Digital Media Sack    
FILM 221 Audio Arts and Methods      
FILM 222 Critical Methodologies in Film and Television      
FILM 223 The Film/Video Essay      
FILM 224 Mediating Difference Wang    
FILM 225 Software Studies      
FILM 226 Queer Theory and Global Film and Media      
FILM 227 Representing Memory      
FILM 228 Moving Image Archives and the Frontiers of Information   Glogovac-Smith  
FILM 229 Topics in Documentary Studies      
FILM 230 Expanded Documentary      
FILM 231 Topics in Postcolonial Theories, Film, and Media      
FILM 232 Audiovisual Ethnography     Erb
FILM 233 Studies and Practice for Social Documentation, Filmmaking, and New Media      
FILM 234 Towards an Ethics of New Media      
FILM 235 Feminist Media Histories      
FILM 236 Making... in the Anthropocene      
FILM 237 Graduate Critique      
FILM 238 The Politics of Information      
FILM 239 Topics in Media Theory      
FILM 250F Film, Moving Image Installation, and Curatorial Lab      
FILM 283 New Media Art and Digital Culture      
FILM 284 Film, Culture, and Modernity      
SOCD 200 Approaches to Social Documentation   Kara  
SOCD 201A Introduction to Documentary Field Production and Editing Gustafson    
SOCD 201B Advanced Documentary Field Production and Editing   Ayon  
SOCD 201C Project Planning for the Social Documentary     Hibbert-Jones
SOCD 202 Multiple-Platform Social Documentary Production      
SOCD 203 Documentary Research Methods and Social Science Representation Rizzo-Martinez    
SOCD 204 Ethnographic Writing and Social Documentation      
SOCD 292 Special Topics      
SOCD 293 Studies and Practice for Social Documentation, Filmmaking, and New Media      
SOCD 294A Production/Analysis/Editing Vazquez    
SOCD 294B Production/Analysis/Editing   Lusztig  
SOCD 294C Production/Analysis/Editing     Taylor