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Support the Film and Digital Media Program!


Dear Friends of Film and Digital Media,

Your donations directly support our students and are used for scholarships and awards, master classes and workshops, bringing artists and scholars to present their work and connect with our students, classroom furniture and media, and events like our annual reception for FDM graduates. A donation to the general fund will enhance the student experience and support the quality of our program.  

We also encourage you to consider giving to The Eli Hollander Aspiring Filmmaker Award.  This award will encourage young filmmakers to creatively push the boundaries of expression and challenge the art of change.  It honors, encourages and brings notice to outstanding seniors, giving a platform to promising filmmakers, who are deeply engaged in finding an original and personal voice through their work.  It honors Professor Emeritus Eli Hollander who helped pioneer the production side within the major and was deeply inspirational to those students who studied with him over four decades. In addition, the award will also provide material support for the completion of a project or as seed-money for further creations.

*To donate to this special fund, please include the name of the award in “note and special instructions.”