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Kiki Loveday (née Kerrie Welsh)

Ph.D in Film and Digital Media, 2022
Feminist Film Praxis, Women’s and Queer Film Historiography, Technology and Social Change
kerrie is an experimental filmmaker obsessed with deconstructing (and reconstructing) cinematic conventions: rethinking genre, mixing mediums, and practicing alternative production paradigms. Much of her work is concerned with isolation, people's sometimes silly and heartbreaking inability to fit-in, connect with each other, or figure out how to live in a culture they didn't create. She’s spent five years teaching in the Undergraduate Film & Television program at Tisch School of the Arts, New York University where she created the course Expanding Cinema: New Media, the Movies, and Beyond, and developed and taught Women in the Director's Chair, originally with filmmaker Louise Tiranoff. She is currently working on the Women in the Director’s Chair Oral History Project which includes 78 interviews with female filmmakers produced by undergraduate students at Tisch in a collective effort to re-write the historical present. kerrie's work has been presented in galleries, festivals, and international conferences and can be found on ArtFem.TV and the CUE Art Foundation's on-verge.