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Matte Hewitt

MFA Candidate
Education and Training: 
B.A., Temple University
Matte Hewitt holds a BFA in sculpture from Temple University and is an artist/environmentalist drawn to nature, moving image, sound and sound design. Their research interests include ornithology, queer ecology, ecofeminism, natural history, racial discourse, land use, and conservation psychology. They participated in Philadelphia’s acclaimed Scribe Film Scholars program to begin their documentary production training, and their proposed MFA thesis would focus on same-sex behavior and gender variance in birds to challenge the boundaries between humans and animals and to counter homophobia and transphobia. They are currently finishing the documentary “With Hope,” a film centering the experiences of BIPOC and LGBTQ+ people in Philadelphia who reconnect to the natural world through the act of birding, and by doing so discover a profound sense of belonging, joy and hope.