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Fiorella Lema

Image of Fiorella Loma
M.F.A. Student – Class of 2021
Decolonial feminist theory, indigenous political movements, preservation of traditional healing practices in the Americas, food justice and land sovereignty in the Americas, Peruvian Diaspora, queer theory, feminist film theory, Latin American studies, and labor studies.
Fiorella Lema is an queer woman of color, multi-disciplinary artist, and community organizer from Sacramento, CA. Her work seeks to preserve the ancestral knowledge and memories of the abuelas y abuelos that came before her. She worked under The Decolonization Project, an experimental cooperative that sought to build capacity in our communities by indigenizing our spirits and bodies. In June 2019, she organized the Summer Solstice Film Festival at Sol Collective. The film festival sought to uplift the narratives of indigenous resistance and power across the globe. She is currently interested in looking at how the Peruvian diaspora in the United States has been shaped in the landscape of western settler colonialism.