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Peer Advising

The Film and Digital Media Department has a team of trained student peer advisors ready to help anyone seeking to enhance their university experience. We encourage everyone to use this resource to ask questions, seek advice, and receive help to make informed, efficient decisions. 

Drop-In advising for Spring 2024 is now available.  Please use this link: FDM DROP-IN ADVISING ZOOM LINK

What kind of questions can I bring to drop-in advising?

The FDM Peer Advisors can help with quick, FDM-related questions during drop-in advising. Each student will be allowed 10 minutes max, and students will be helped on a first come, first served basis. If you have larger questions/issues to discuss, you will be referred to schedule an advising appointment with one of us, the FDM Undergraduate Advisors.

The FDM Peer Advisors can help with the following:

  • Exploring the FDM major or minor programs
  • Clarification of major/minor requirements
  • Navigating the FDM website + department policies
  • Upcoming quarter class recommendations (during enrollment time)
  • Production course/application-related questions

The FDM Peer Advisors cannot provide official progress checks. You can talk through your progress in the major/minor with them, however they cannot officially sign off on your academic plan, process your major/minor declaration, sign forms, etc.

Spring 2024 Drop-In Advising Schedule

This quarter, the drop-in advising schedule will be as follows:

  • Mondays from 11am-12pm (with Madeline)
  • Mondays from 3pm-5pm (with Jennifer)
  • Tuesdays from 2pm-4pm (with Greg)
  • Wednesdays from 11am-1pm (with Madeline)
  • Thursdays from 2pm-4pm (with Greg)

As you can see, we have a ton of support this quarter! We hope you all use the FDM Peer Advisors as the great resource that they are. 

As a reminder, the FDM Peer Advisors can also be reached via email at