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Financial Support

Financial Support

Admitted students are guaranteed support as described in their offer of admission.  This will include, at minimum, the support described in the university's 2-year/50% program for MFA students, which provides a minimum level of support equivalent to a 50% teaching assistantship for two years. In total, this program will bring MFA student support—stipend, fees, tuition, GSHIP, etc. up to a minimum of $43,000 annually.  In some cases, the support may also surpass this level, as described in the admissions offer letter. 

Depending on the availability of funds and the recommendations of the faculty admissions committee, department support may be given in the form of fellowship awards, teaching assistantship positions, readership positions, or summer research monies. Support packages that are awarded by the department for the first year of study only may not be guaranteed for the second year.  The admissions offer is clear about the support offered for each year.  If you have any questions, please contact our graduate programs coordinator at

The Film and Digital Media Department is not able to offer production-specific funding to Social Documentation students. The department will connect students with divisional resources that may assist students in locating and applying for suitable grant funding for project productions.

For information about the minimum support package, loans, and other types of campus funding opportunities, refer to the UCSC Graduate Division's Financial Aid website.