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Ebadur Rahman

Ph.D in Film and Digital Media, 2022
Film and digital media as a radically new form of public forum, new media, participatory archive, and open subjectivity.
Research Interests: 

Ebadur Rahman is interested in film and digital media as a radically new form of public forum. His research emphasis includes new media, participatory archive, and open subjectivity. For his Ph.D. research, his goal is to unpack a theoretical, and geopolitical exigency within the film (and digital media) making process itself, embedded within the Euro- American understanding and perception of different occupy movements across the globe including Tahrir Square and Arab springs, the Naxalite movement in India, and the Palestinian fedayeens and revolutionaries in Beirut, Aden, and Tunis. He is “driven by a pedagogic aspiration to engage with culturally oppressed populations” (with whom he finds the most affinities) and “endeavors to strategize and retool his artistic and critical stances to open up new possibilities of heterochronic staging of screen- memory.” Ebadur Rahman has an advanced degree from Naropa University, a Master’s degree from the University of the Arts London, and he earned his undergraduate degree in English from Jahangirnagar University in Dhaka, Bangladesh.