Designated Emphasis in Social Documentation

UC Santa Cruz graduate students enrolled in doctoral programs may obtain a designated emphasis in social documentation as part of their PhD degree. Students must meet the following requirements in order to obtain the designated emphasis:

  • Secure approval from a member of the Social Documentation Program core faculty to serve as the advisor for the Designated Emphasis.
  • Have one core faculty member from the Social Documentation core faculty serve on the student’s qualifying examination committee or dissertation committee.
  • Submit a significant piece of documentary work that demonstrates competence in the field of Social Documentation. This project could consist of a digital video or photography project, or possibly an audio or web-based piece, focused on the student’s area of study and thus constituting a parallel investigation into the subject of the PhD dissertation. In certain circumstances, a documentary project on a subject other than the dissertation could be approved, but generally that would not be the case. The submitted project must meet the approval of the student’s Social Documentation advisor.
  • Successfully complete four graduate courses taught with core faculty of the Social Documentation Program. The courses must be pre-approved by the student’s Designated Emphasis advisor. In most cases, these courses would include SOCD 200, SOCD 202, and two others, but may be adapted to fit the needs of particular students.

For More Information

If you are interest the designated emphasis, please contact our graduate programs coordinator.

Last modified: Sep 09, 2024