The Film and Digital Media Department offers three different degrees through three separate programs: a bachelor of arts in film and digital media, a master’s of fine arts in Social Documentation, and a doctor of philosophy in film and digital media.

Film and Digital Media B.A.
Students in the Film and Digital Media major develop an understanding of major movements in world cinema and different aesthetic approaches to the medium while studying the cultural impact of television and the rise of video and digital art in recent decades.

Social Documentation M.F.A.
The Masters of Fine Arts in Social Documentation in an innovative and unique interdisciplinary two-year program that trains students to critically analyze, frame and reflect upon contemporary social issues through the art of documentary media.

Film and Digital Media Ph.D.
Focusing on a diverse range of cultural production that includes cinema, television, video art, and Internet-based media, Ph.D. students interrogate the historical, aesthetic, political, ideological, and technological aspects of these media forms across a range of international contexts, investigating their points of connection and convergence as well as their relationship to broader cultural and historical change.