Film and Digital Media PhD Application Information

Online applications for the program will become available beginning October 1st. The deadline for applications for enrollment in Fall 2025 will be at 11:59PM PST on December 12, 2024.

Admission to the program is highly selective. Comparable programs within the University of California system typically admit between 5% and 25% of the applicants. 

Students meeting UCSC Graduate Division requirements will be considered for admission to the Ph.D. program. Entering students are expected to demonstrate outstanding achievement during any previous masters education, or truly exceptional achievement during their undergraduate education. Candidates must have demonstrated skill in critical, theoretical and historical scholarship, and a demonstrated interest in film, television, video or new media studies. We are particularly interested in candidates with demonstrated experience in some form of artistic production, and an interest in combining creative work with critical and theoretical study. 

Candidates should be aware that we will prioritize those who, in their application, outline a project or form of work that integrates critical and creative work together in a way that would be difficult or impossible to pursue in a either a conventional humanities program or a studio or production degree program. The Ph.D. program in Film & Digital Media is designed to provide a platform for the creation of hybrid work that would not be possible to accomplish elsewhere.

For more information about the official application process, please consult the Graduate Admissions website

Information on sources of support is included on this website along with the online application. Your completed application must be submitted online with a nonrefundable application fee. Fee waivers are available for cases of hardship. Funds for waivers are very limited (international applicants are not eligible), but if you feel you qualify for a waiver, you should obtain a Request for Graduate Application Fee Waiver form from the Division of Graduate Studies to submit with your application for admission. Admission is for fall quarter only.

Last modified: Nov 06, 2024